Wednesday 19 November 2014

Movie Review : EXISTS!


I admit, the slogan is cool. That is why I watched it, even it is by accident. A little back story of my "accident", going to keep it short and informative. First, I was on semester break, get together with some friends, went to the movie, look at the movie lists, had dilemma between Interstellar and Exists, originally going for Interstellar (even though don't know kind of movie it is), some guy saw Exists banner (that's me), seduced the others to watch it assuming it was a ghost story and got terribly mistaken, and lastly actually enjoyed it. Tadaa.

Well here is something about the movie;
Exists is a 2014 horror film that was directed by Eduardo Sánchez. The film had its world premiere on March 7, 2014 at South by Southwest and stars Chris Osborn and Samuel Davis as two brothers hunting for the legendary Sasquatch. Following the darker psychological tone of Sánchez's previous film, Lovely Molly, the film returns to the creature-feature horror of Altered, also written by Jamie Nash. All Brian (Chris Osborn) and Matt (Samuel Davis) want to do is have a wild party with their friends out in the woods. They figure that their uncle's secluded cabin is a prime location, as it was abandoned long ago and is unlikely to have anyone complaining about the noise. What they did not plan on is for the legendary Sasquatch (Brian Steele), who calls the east Texas woods his home, to start stalking the party goers one by one.

IMDb gave it a rating of 5.5/10, which I didn't expect it to be that low. Come on man, it's about Bigfoot. You tell me where will I find, in this 2014, a movie about Bigfoot. None! I'd give some credits for that. Of course it is not the best movie and probably should go for Interstellar and all that, but! it is awesome. To me it is awesome. The starting of the movie is a little slow for me but from the middle to the end, that is when the action kicks in, the legend arrives on scene. The movie is Rated 18 so surely it is filled with blood, sweat and Bigfoot. Gore and thrill are all over the place. Although, using a third-person camera would make the movie awesomer instead of experiencing from first-person view which made my friend sick after the movie because his head was spinning along the victims camera when got hit by the Sasquatch. So, I personally prefer the movie having a third-person view but it is the director's choice. Probably the intention of wanting the viewers to relate to the movie. Yeah well, that is quite reasonable yet head-spinning choice.

The best part of the movie? The legend itself, The Bigfoot. You guys should see the Bigfoot. It looked so so so awesome. The coolest looking Bigfoot man has ever portrayed. I'd give 10/10 just for the Bigfoot. However I am not going to because of other selfish reasons. At the end of this movie, all of it will only make sense. Bigfoot portrayed some moral values people but I am not going to spill it. Spoiler alert *bee-do-bee-do*, you humans going to have to watch it yourselves. Cheers.

Behold, the Legend.

As a conclusion, even though I watched it by accident but not a second I regret about it (well the first 30 minutes was regretful to be honest). Nevertheless, I enjoyed it after that regretful 30 minutes to the last line of the movie. I personally would give it a rating of 7/10 and sincerely think it deserves it. All because of the Bigfoot itself. Hands down baby, hands down. 

Tune in to the cinemas while it is still playing. Well, I think it still does. I don't know. Check it out humans. Godspeed! 

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