Thursday 23 October 2014


Assalamualaikum and a very good day :)

I am back for more review and this time is my Grammar Test 2! In my last post I did say I am going to do better but too bad I did not get to. My score in Test 2 is a little lower than the first one so I am a little disappointed but hey, look on the bright side, it is still good. 

Grammar Test 2

As always, it is going to be these three (3) aspects;

1) What did you do right?
2) What did you do wrong?
3) What did I learn from this test and what am I going to do in future?

Without further a due, this is it;

What did I do right?
I pretty much have gotten the grasp onto the concept. Also the famously known trick; contextual clues. But in this case, I also use my instinct (Sorry Mister Adlan.), because at some part it gets very difficult I just had to do it by heart. I got them correct, don't worry hihi :3

What did I do wrong?
Despite using all those skills, I still make mistakes. As we all know, Test 2 is more difficult than the first one. Sometimes I just don't know what is what and that is what I did wrong. Not too many wrongs though.

What did I learn from this test and what am I going to do in future?
From this test, I learned that how exactly my finals are going to be. I really need to be extra careful when answering and cautious on the clues in the text or passage.

Perfect score :)


Oh wait, I am not done yet. Think Test 2 is hard? Try some of this; IN CLASS ASSIGNMENT. The destroyer of my heart. It is very confusing and very difficult. I need to identify the errors but I can barely see one. My score is not to say low but definitely not high. I think  it is in the middle? Average some might say. Still I wish I did a lot better.

Going to frame it on the Wall of Lame

Well, I guess that's that. It pretty much sums up my review and I hope I will do a lot better in my finals. They say it is going to be ugly but I will try to see some light in between. That's it. See you guys around!


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